LEGO®: Build It And They Will Come
Field Of Dreams has nothing on LEGO when it comes to bringing people (and families) together. Like flies to a honey pot or children to a crinkle of candybar wrappers, the very whiff of freshly-opened moulded plastic squares will have them crossing oceans and galaxies to get to it.
And when it comes to Christmas gift ideas, it’s the perfect present, hands down. And why wouldn’t it be? LEGO was awesome when I was a kid and continues to be awesome to my own kids today. And when we can #BuildItTogether as a family, it brings us all closer together than Eugene Levy’s eyebrows. There’s something very nostalgic and cool about building something fun with my kids that I enjoyed so much when I was their age. And something they don’t roll their eyes at because it’s ‘old’ (I’m looking at you, Rubik Cube). (more…)