• AUTHOR: // CATEGORY: 0-6 months, Daddy Blogger Challenge, Kris Kringle Advent Calendar Challenge 2012, The Baby Years, Thoughts, Tips


    On the 8th day of Christmas my Facebook stalker, militant communists Aussie Dad Bloggers gave to me – a story about why men can’t see sh#t, right in front of their face. You asked, we answer… in the Christmas spirit, us Aussie Dad Bloggers are answering the questions raised by readers.

    Q: “Are men ACTUALLY visually impaired when it comes to locating objects inside the home?”

    The short answer…NO.

    The slightly longer answer…NU-UH.

    Trust me, there’s plenty of objects inside the home we have absolutely no trouble locating with our eyes closed. The corner of the coffee table in our shin, the die-cast metal hot-wheels car underfoot, our own playground equipment downstairs.

    Men are like dolphins, and use echo location sonar to find objects we can’t see. Dolphins use a series of clicks and whistles to locate objects underwater like fish, sunken treasure and universal remote controls. Men use a slightly more complex version of sounds such as, “Where’s the bloody car keys?” or “What happened to the potato masher?” With dolphins, the sonar bounces off the objects and back to the dolphin, helping him to determine it’s location. With men, the sound bounces back in a more female tone such as, “Did you try looking in the kitchen drawer?” or “They’re right in front of you on the bench!”

    However…if you are a theoretical physicist or even a keen fan of Doctor Who, then you will no doubt realise there is an actual phenomenon that exists in the universe, known as “Brittany Spears” or in scientific terms…

    “Temporal Displacement”

    Which sounds like something you do when you momentarily lose your mind, or skim rocks off Japanese battered fish…wait…that’s tempura. (Really, I thought was a car?)

    But in reality, there are tiny wormholes in space and time and the universe is simply teeming with them. As the earth spins through space, it collects these temporal displacement wormholes like a spat out Cool Mint collects lint. And certain objects are placed in their path like car keys, tin openers, nail clippers, remote controls, socks, pacifiers, did I mention car keys? And of course…car keys.

    Kind of like when you accidentally suck your wife’s earring into the vacuum cleaner by mistake, or your son swallows a penny. For all intents and purposes, it has temporarily been removed from the present, only to be returned a small time later in the not too far off distant future. And that’s why we can’t see them. It’s not our fault…it’s the universe.

    So, men are simply the hapless victims of temporal displacement…or God’s just f@#ing with us.

    But universal subatomic string theory aside, some men (like me), occasionally wear glasses.

    So, it can be argued that there is a certain level of visual impaired-ness among men, that the universe just cannot account for.

    Male visual impaired-ness relates to a variety of categories, such as…

    MEASUREMENT: 3-5 inches is…a foot, (either your man is trying to bolster his own ego, or wears tiny sneakers).

    HOUSE REPAIR: Actual time to perform repairs…5 mins. Actual time to getting around to actually perform said repairs…6 months – 20 years.

    LISTENING: I know listening isn’t a visual impaired-ness, but if we’re not looking at you, we’re probably not listening. Men listen with their eyes, not their ears. So, make sure we can see you so at the very least, we can read your lips.

    READING LIPS: Men cannot read lips.

    PRIORITIES: Family ALWAYS comes first, before anything else. (Excluding sport, alcohol, watching sport while drinking alcohol, drinking alcohol while playing sport, anything related to electronics, procrastinating, talking about procrastinating, Mythbusters, monster trucks, ourselves, Bigfoot or…boobs).

    Which only goes to show, there’s no accounting for good taste, universal laws or people who don’t keep track of their receipts.

    So, I hope that clears things up. Remember, it’s not your man’s fault…(cue Milli Vanilli)…”Blame it on the (substituting “rain” for “universe”, “Einstein”, “Stephen Hawking” or “The Big Bang Theory”).

    Merry Christmas, y’all 😆

    Psst: Oh and hey, be sure to check out the other Daddy Blogger Advent Posts on our Facebook page here at Aussie Daddy Bloggers.


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12 Responses to 40YrOldDad’s Christmas Advent Blog Post

  • teapotsandtractors wrote on December 21, 2012 at 7:14 // Reply

    I’m sure my hubby will agree with everything you’ve just said 100%! while he is doing that call out for his mobile or keys!

    • JPBechtold wrote on December 21, 2012 at 7:23 // Reply

      As long as it doesn’t happen with the baby, then we’re all good 😉

  • Laney wrote on December 21, 2012 at 8:05 // Reply

    My husband is the King of “Cantseeforlooking”. It’s uncanny how ‘blind’ he is! Your explanation goes some way towards throwing some light on this crazy phenomenon 😉

    • JPBechtold wrote on December 21, 2012 at 8:49 // Reply

      And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Temporal Displacement not only temporarily removes objects around the home but also temporarily removes things from the male brain, like common sense, things you just told us two minutes ago, the phrase “you’re right” and even on at least one occasion…your wife’s name.

  • Reservoir Dad wrote on December 22, 2012 at 7:01 // Reply

    I like the dolphin theory. How can your wife get mad at a dolphin? It’s a dolphin!

    • JPBechtold wrote on December 22, 2012 at 10:26 // Reply

      The dolphin analogy doesn’t stop there. Ever heard your wife “think” or say out loud…“Just shut your blowhole”?

  • Vic @ The Melbourne Dad wrote on December 22, 2012 at 10:12 // Reply

    Sometimes my sunnies are “temporally displaced” on top of my head

  • JPBechtold wrote on December 22, 2012 at 10:45 // Reply

    10 phrases you hear when you’ve fallen victim to Temporal Displacement:

    1. Well, it wasn’t there a minute ago.
    2. He came out of nowhere.
    3. How the hell did you get there?
    4. I checked there already.
    5. I’ve looked there five times already and I’m telling you, it’s not…oh.
    6. I put it down right here!
    7. I had it in my hand 5 seconds ago.
    8. Why would I put it in there?
    9. You gotta be f*#ng kidding me? I just had it…
    10. This is bloody ridiculous…

  • mumabulous wrote on December 24, 2012 at 8:19 // Reply

    I have also expounded the theory of temporal dislocation to explain the universal phenomena of missing socks in the laundry.
    I’m certain your beer won’t be slipping through any wormholes tomorrow.

    • JPBechtold wrote on December 24, 2012 at 9:56 // Reply

      Drinking only at the speed of “light-beer”, I’m happy to say. I have to start making sure that I keep healthy and fit. By the time my boy is running around playing, I may need a wormhole to travel back through time for a fitter version of myself. Have a mumabulous Christmas 😉

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